SRC Willow Harvesting Services:
Harvesting and Processing of Willow

Helping landowners to grow large yield SRC willow crops quickly

SRC Willow harvesting

Once your crop of SRC willow has had 3 or 4 years to mature, it will be ready for its first harvest.

For a long time, the only viable way to harvest willow was by hand: a tiring and time-consuming job. Regular farm machinery is not suitable for the task because of the specific processing requirements demanded by this particular crop.

Fortunately, we have specially developed willow harvesting machines that make the work straightforward and efficient. With our background in both farming and engineering, we have developed our own short rotation coppice harvesters. This allows us to provide you with the best and quickest possible service. Our continued innovation in the development of willow harvesting machinery ensures we are always working towards an even better service for you or your clients.


The importance of willow harvesting

Like many other plants, SRC willow should be harvested once the growing season has finished and leaves have fallen. This means harvesting in the autumn, winter and early spring months.

Because of the difference in seasonal changes across the country, the best time for willow harvesting in the UK can vary depending on your location. We are able to advise the optimal time for both harvesting and planting willow based on your situation.

How to harvest willow

Our specialised willow harvesting equipment means that your plantations - even those covering a large area - can be cut down in a reasonably short space of time. Using willow short rotation harvesters and a tractor and trailer, your coppice is reduced to the ground. This ensures that the most possible product is obtained and the now firmly rooted stool is ready to start another growing cycle.

As all our machinery is specially developed and maintained specifically for willow harvesting for biomass, you can be sure of getting the best results. Frequent checks and repairs reduce the risk of delays.

With years of experience both in farming and engineering, the team here at Willow Energy know how important it is to have the right tools for the job.


Processing willow

Currently, SRC willow is mainly used as biomass fuel, though other uses are being developed. This means that your crop will be chipped and collected by companies like Holmen Iggesund. They can use the willow product for their own services. As part of our willow harvesting and processing service, we ensure all harvested willow can be collected and transported off your land to be used elsewhere.

This fully comprehensive support means that we are a one-stop-shop and your involvement can be minimal.

After the harvest

One of the great benefits of SRC willow varieties, as a crop, is that they can be cut to the ground and will be ready for a second harvest within just a few years. As the growing willow can withstand being cut right down, yield is greater: as most of the plant can be harvested without any permanent damage. In fact, the roots are already established - a significant underground carbon store themselves.

The fast-growing plant will spring back again with only minimal maintenance required.

After we have harvested and processed the willow chip, we can maintain the plantation until the next harvest. Alternatively, you can undertake this yourself and we can return in a few years for the next collection.

Willow multiplication service

Biomass energy willow harvesting is only one of our services. You can take advantage of a flexible service depending on your budget and how little, or how much you would like to be involved in the process. We also provide the following services: